Staying Hydrated!

Practical health benefits of drinking water

It’s that time of year we’ve all been waiting for, Summer! I have waited all year long for the smells, sounds, sights and touches of Summer and it is finally here! The watermelons, strawberries, blueberries ahhh… it’s like a taste of heaven.

Water DrinkingWith Summer also comes Summer camp, hooray for a semi-kidless week! As I drop my boys off for senior high camp I find myself nearly begging them to promise me they’ll at least drink two bottles of water each day. Why is it like pulling teeth? I ponder my request and for a moment I realize I am competing with ice cold beverages loaded with sugar and all sorts of flavorings but come on… nothing comes close to that refreshing, calorie-free, crisp taste of pure Michigan water, right?! As they smile and assure me they’ll drink the water, I walk away questioning my skills of persuasion.

In a culture with so many options, we many times choose to forfeit the best for the good. We take the things that are considered luxuries for many around the globe and disregard them as less than or insignificant and due to our lack of appreciation for the things we need most we walk around in lack.

Americans are not meeting the daily requirements for water each day. In fact studies show that Americans are dehydrated and nearly three-fourths of all Americans drink less than the requirements for optimal nutrition. It is not a secret that water is vital for our survival and with our bodies being made up of a whopping 60% of water it is an essential part of our daily diet.

Dehydration can come on sudden and is especially important to watch for during the hot Summer months and during increased periods of exercise. Signs of dehydration include extreme thirst, dry mouth, little to no urination and stomach cramping.

Dehydration is not a small problem and can lead to many serious health issues including:

  • chronic pains
  • fatigue
  • headaches
  • intestinal issues
  • high blood pressure

Our bodies require water to run properly, think of it like gas in a car or oil for the engine!

  • Water rids our bodies of toxins
  • Water increases liver and kidney function and also helps to increase immune function!
  • It helps to keep our joints functioning properly and provides an optimal environment for our eyes, ears, nose and throat.

While water has so many benefits one of my favorites is the positive effect it has on weight loss and weight management. Drinking water is part of a healthy diet.

Fluid recommendations are based upon age, gender and extent of exercise however there are some general guidelines that you can follow.

  • Adults should consume approximately 8-12 cups of water per day. 
  • Eat fruits and vegetables with high water content such as watermelon, broccoli and spinach. Eating fruits and vegetables will add to your fluid intake and should be a part of your daily diet.
  • Be creative with your glass of water. Adding fruits such as lemons, limes, orange slices, strawberries and berries can add a pop of a flavor! My favorite flavored water recipe includes sliced cucumbers, lime and few mint leaves, give it a try, you’ll love it!

BIG-4-4-infuse-water-with-fruitCarrying a water bottle with you daily will definitely help you to increase your water intake.

So grab a glass and drink up!

Be Well!

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3 thoughts on “Staying Hydrated!

  1. I love this! Thanks for the anti inflammatory info. Looking forward to walking in my purpose with excellence in health.