Five A Day Is The Healthy Way!

The Power Of Fruits And Vegetables

When I was a kid, I’d eat anything. I heard my mom tell stories of how as soon as I was mobile I’d go through the cupboards and get into all the food. She’s also told complete strangers of how I’d sit outside and eat ants… I’m still trying to figure out why she’d let me do that!  So if I ate anything and everything, how did I get 4 picky eaters? Since it can’t possibly be in my genes, I blame it on my husband. When it comes to getting them to eat their fruit, I have been pretty successful but vegetables are a totally different story. I have had to do many creative things to get my kids to eat their vegetables. I’ve even put them in a juicer, yup, they’ll drink the spinach but won’t eat it, they’ll drink carrots but won’t eat them! Now, of course they are sweetened with the juice from a nice juicy apple but hey, that’s a bonus! I have also pureed spinach, carrots, peppers and tomatoes to put into spaghetti sauce, and guess what? They loved it and informed me that it was the best spaghetti sauce they’ve ever had… don’t think for a minute I let them in on my secret! Shh…

Some of you may be able to either relate to the difficulty of getting your kids to eat their veggies or maybe it’s you that’s not crazy about eating all that colorful stuff! Believe me when I tell you that you are not alone. I’ve been married to my husband for 20 years and he finally stopped pushing veggies around on his plate hoping they’ll mysteriously disappear. He actually eats them now!

Adding some fruits and veggies to your daily diet has so many positive health benefits and trust me, you’ll be glad you did!

Health Benefits

  • Fruits and vegetables are full of essential nutrients and antioxidants
  • Immune boosting properties
  • Weight loss
  • Weight management
  • Great source of fiber
  • Supports cardiovascular health
  • Increases cognitive function
  • Decrease risk of diabetes and other chronic diseases

Daily Requirements

  • Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
  • Fill half your plate with colorful fruits and veggies at every meal to meet the daily requirement. 

Be creative with it, prep and plan!

  • Puree them and add them to sauces
  • Sauté them in olive oil and season with spices
  • Invest in a juicer and commit to juicing once a day
  • Add to smoothies
  • Top yogurt parfaits with fresh fruit
  • Add fresh fruit to oatmeal

A Little Prep Goes A Long Way!

  • Wash, cut and chop 3-4 days worth of fruits and vegetables. Store in sealed baggies for a quick and easy snack. This is also great way to have them ready for dinner salads. Some of my favorites include; cucumbers, grape tomatoes, carrot sticks, peppers, grapes, strawberries and blueberries.
  • Instead of throwing away over ripened bananas, peel them, cut in half and freeze them in freezer bags. These make a great addition to protein shakes and smoothies.
  • Prepping helps to be prepared and enables you to follow through with your dietary plans and achieve your goals.

Remember, five a day is the healthy way! Don’t wait start today!

Be Well!

A Healthy Lifestyle

What Does it Take?

We live in a day and age where we have more nutritional information at our disposal than any other time in history. We have access to thousands of weight loss programs, weight loss pills, drinks, shakes and bars and yet we are in the worst physical shape than we have ever been in. Might I dare say, we are living in a time where if it doesn’t feel good it must not be good… if I have to work hard it’s not hardly worth it…if it cost me something then I don’t want it, we are living in a time where discipline is a word that we no longer truly know the meaning of. We want results but we don’t want to put in the work to get them. We want convenience and comfort and we will sacrifice our own well being to get it. The simple truth is that we are hurting ourselves and passing this way of life down to our children who are the future. Eating right and exercise are not always convenient but the payoff is well worth the investment.

Discipline is The Key!

A life without discipline is a chaotic life. Discipline helps to bring order to every area of your life. Some of us can be disciplined in our finances, faith and family but when it comes to health and fitness it is nothing short of chaos. Health and fitness often times gets put on the, “if I have time,” list and let’s face it most of us have families and jobs that make it seem like it’s impossible to do anything for ourselves. If this is you, don’t worry, you’re not alone!

Let me help you out!

First of all, you need to know that your health will affect every area of your life. So, if you are not well, how can any area of your life be well? In order for you to be effective you need to be well in your body. So, taking care of you is vital! If you agree with me that you matter then you will agree with me that your health matters!

Be Disciplined Enough to Make SMART Health Goals

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant 
  • Timely

Fitness Goals

  • Start out increasing daily exercise by; taking the stairs, parking further away in the parking lot, walking or biking to work, walking the dog.
  • Make sure to start out slow, pick days, times and activities that will work for you.
  • 30 minutes of physical activity five days per week is a great goal to shoot for. If you struggle to find the time you can break that up into three short 10 minute segments each day. 

Food Goals

  • Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables each day
  • Increase water intake by drinking at least 8 cups each day
  • Choose lean meats for a good source of protein; chicken breast and turkey are great options!
  • Eat baked, broiled or grilled fish 2x per week
  • Choose low-fat dairy products
  • Choose whole grains for a great source of carbohydrates

The key is to start by making small changes and continue until it becomes part of your life. It’s a process, your future self will thank you!

“Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.” -John C. Maxwell

Be Well!


Amazing Health Benefits of Berries

The Summer is definitely my favorite season! There are so many great things to do in the Summer. Just the other day I took our little miss strawberry picking. We grabbed our bucket and walked out to the field covered with fresh, sun kissed berries! The sweet smells of Summer were in full effect! We walked up and down each row and searched for big, bright red berries. They all looked so good, It was hard not to eat them as we picked!

So what is it about these little gems that makes them so amazing?! Well, you’ve all heard that big things come in little packages, this is definitely true in this case. All berries are nutrient packed super fruits and provide substantial health benefits.

A Nutritional Powerhouse!

  • Berries are loaded with antioxidants. Antioxidants help to protect our bodies from inflammation which to lead to many chronic health conditions.
  • Berries protect against free radicals which cause cell and organ damage.
  • Berries are loaded with fiber which helps to keep you full longer and promotes weight loss/management.
  • Cranberries in particular promote urinary and digestive health. 

For Optimal Health Benefits Choose A Variety of Berries Daily!

  • Add fresh berries to oatmeal and dry cereal.
  • Use frozen berries in smoothies and salads
  • Layer berries in between scoops of low-fat yogurt for a healthy treat!
  • Top low-fat frozen yogurt with berries!
  • Freeze berries in a single layer and then transfer to a freezer safe bag to enjoy fresh berries throughout the entire year!

Berry Good Tips!

  • Pick dry, firm and bright colored berries.
  • Avoid the 3 m’s when looking for fresh berries; Mold, Moist and Mush.
  • Store berries in a sealed container in the produce drawer in your refrigerator. Blackberries do best when stored in an open container.
  • Prep berries so that they are readily available for snacking. Rinse with one tbsp. of apple cider vinegar and one cup of water. Dry thoroughly, divide into snack size bags.
  • Berries will stay fresh for up to one week in the refrigerator so they are a great option for a quick and easy snack!

Now if you’re thinking what I’m thinking… Go ahead, get yourself a big bowl of berries and enjoy a taste of Summer!

Staying Hydrated!

Practical health benefits of drinking water

It’s that time of year we’ve all been waiting for, Summer! I have waited all year long for the smells, sounds, sights and touches of Summer and it is finally here! The watermelons, strawberries, blueberries ahhh… it’s like a taste of heaven.

Water DrinkingWith Summer also comes Summer camp, hooray for a semi-kidless week! As I drop my boys off for senior high camp I find myself nearly begging them to promise me they’ll at least drink two bottles of water each day. Why is it like pulling teeth? I ponder my request and for a moment I realize I am competing with ice cold beverages loaded with sugar and all sorts of flavorings but come on… nothing comes close to that refreshing, calorie-free, crisp taste of pure Michigan water, right?! As they smile and assure me they’ll drink the water, I walk away questioning my skills of persuasion.

In a culture with so many options, we many times choose to forfeit the best for the good. We take the things that are considered luxuries for many around the globe and disregard them as less than or insignificant and due to our lack of appreciation for the things we need most we walk around in lack.

Americans are not meeting the daily requirements for water each day. In fact studies show that Americans are dehydrated and nearly three-fourths of all Americans drink less than the requirements for optimal nutrition. It is not a secret that water is vital for our survival and with our bodies being made up of a whopping 60% of water it is an essential part of our daily diet.

Dehydration can come on sudden and is especially important to watch for during the hot Summer months and during increased periods of exercise. Signs of dehydration include extreme thirst, dry mouth, little to no urination and stomach cramping.

Dehydration is not a small problem and can lead to many serious health issues including:

  • chronic pains
  • fatigue
  • headaches
  • intestinal issues
  • high blood pressure

Our bodies require water to run properly, think of it like gas in a car or oil for the engine!

  • Water rids our bodies of toxins
  • Water increases liver and kidney function and also helps to increase immune function!
  • It helps to keep our joints functioning properly and provides an optimal environment for our eyes, ears, nose and throat.

While water has so many benefits one of my favorites is the positive effect it has on weight loss and weight management. Drinking water is part of a healthy diet.

Fluid recommendations are based upon age, gender and extent of exercise however there are some general guidelines that you can follow.

  • Adults should consume approximately 8-12 cups of water per day. 
  • Eat fruits and vegetables with high water content such as watermelon, broccoli and spinach. Eating fruits and vegetables will add to your fluid intake and should be a part of your daily diet.
  • Be creative with your glass of water. Adding fruits such as lemons, limes, orange slices, strawberries and berries can add a pop of a flavor! My favorite flavored water recipe includes sliced cucumbers, lime and few mint leaves, give it a try, you’ll love it!

BIG-4-4-infuse-water-with-fruitCarrying a water bottle with you daily will definitely help you to increase your water intake.

So grab a glass and drink up!

Be Well!