
Amazing Health Benefits of Berries

The Summer is definitely my favorite season! There are so many great things to do in the Summer. Just the other day I took our little miss strawberry picking. We grabbed our bucket and walked out to the field covered with fresh, sun kissed berries! The sweet smells of Summer were in full effect! We walked up and down each row and searched for big, bright red berries. They all looked so good, It was hard not to eat them as we picked!

So what is it about these little gems that makes them so amazing?! Well, you’ve all heard that big things come in little packages, this is definitely true in this case. All berries are nutrient packed super fruits and provide substantial health benefits.

A Nutritional Powerhouse!

  • Berries are loaded with antioxidants. Antioxidants help to protect our bodies from inflammation which to lead to many chronic health conditions.
  • Berries protect against free radicals which cause cell and organ damage.
  • Berries are loaded with fiber which helps to keep you full longer and promotes weight loss/management.
  • Cranberries in particular promote urinary and digestive health. 

For Optimal Health Benefits Choose A Variety of Berries Daily!

  • Add fresh berries to oatmeal and dry cereal.
  • Use frozen berries in smoothies and salads
  • Layer berries in between scoops of low-fat yogurt for a healthy treat!
  • Top low-fat frozen yogurt with berries!
  • Freeze berries in a single layer and then transfer to a freezer safe bag to enjoy fresh berries throughout the entire year!

Berry Good Tips!

  • Pick dry, firm and bright colored berries.
  • Avoid the 3 m’s when looking for fresh berries; Mold, Moist and Mush.
  • Store berries in a sealed container in the produce drawer in your refrigerator. Blackberries do best when stored in an open container.
  • Prep berries so that they are readily available for snacking. Rinse with one tbsp. of apple cider vinegar and one cup of water. Dry thoroughly, divide into snack size bags.
  • Berries will stay fresh for up to one week in the refrigerator so they are a great option for a quick and easy snack!

Now if you’re thinking what I’m thinking… Go ahead, get yourself a big bowl of berries and enjoy a taste of Summer!

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